Webinars and upcoming events

Schedule for 2025 

iSoQ drop-in support webinars 

The interactive Summary of Qualitative Findings (iSoQ) tool is an online platform for conducting GRADE-CERQual assessments. In addition to help videos, we offer drop-in support webinars to assist review authors will using the iSoQ tool. The webinars are tailored to attendees' needs. 

January 31 - 16:30-17:00 (Oslo time)

February 27 - 10:00-10:30 (Oslo time)

March 27- 13:30-14:00 (Oslo time)

April 29 - 10:30-11:00 (Oslo time)

May 27 - 17:00-17:30 (Oslo time)

June 17 - 15:00-15:20 (Oslo time)

July 24 - 10:30-11:00 (Oslo time)

August 26 - 11:00-11:30 (Oslo time)

October 30 10:00-10:30 (Oslo time)

November 27 13:30-14:00 (Oslo time)

Introduction to GRADE-CERQual webinars

For a comprehensive overview of the GRADE-CERQual approach, watch our 5-part Introductory webinar anytime here (total of approximately 60 minutes)